Proverbs 6:22--"When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee."
This passage is talking about words of instruction. Solomon tells his son to keep the words of his father and mother and to bind them upon his heart and neck.
This directly relates to the words of God. The instruction we need to heed is God's word!
Why should we keep this word?
1) When thou goes, it shall lead thee.
Psalm 119:105--"
Psalm 119:130--"
Luke 6:39--"And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?"
In this world today we need guidance! Without any guidance we are simply the blind leading the blind.. We need help to know where to go and how to go. God's word is a light to us in the darkness! God's word will lead us, but how can it lead us if we do not take the time to learn it, study it, and memorize it? Do you spend time in God's word?
2) When thou sleepest, it shall keep thee.
I believe that this portion of the verse can have a two fold meaning.
When thou sleepest:
a) When you go to bed at night to sleep you are kept by God's word.
b) When you die you are kept by God's word.
If you are saved today then you are kept by God's word. We can trust His word and when it says we are saved and eternally secure, we can trust it! I have no need to worry when I go to bed at night or when I close my eyes in death because I am kept by God's word!
John 5:24--"
Ephesians 1:13-14--"
1 Peter 1:5--"
Are you kept by God's word? Do you know if you are saved? Do you know where you will spend eternity?
3) When thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.
When you get up in the morning and begin your day God's word will talk to you. The more time you spend in this Book, the more you learn, study, and memorize, the more this Book will talk to you.
Today we speak to God through prayer and God speaks to us by His word.
The Lord want to give you the answer you are seeking. The Lord wants to talk to you. But if we do not spend the time in God's word; to bind it upon our hearts and necks, then how will He be able to talk to us?
God's word leads, keeps, and talks, but we must be faithful first to bind it continually to our hearts. How do you treat God's word? Do you continually bind it upon your heart?